We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of North Shields.
Premises GPhCNumber: 1037617Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first big step to getting help.
You may need help if:
Getting the right support can be crucial to maintaining control in the future. Only relying on family, friends or carers for this often is not enough.
Ask our Pharmacist about what longer term support is available in your area. Self-help or mutual aid groups (groups such as AA or SMART Recovery groups) are accessible in most areas.
We provide lateral flow test kits
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
We provide a needle exchange service where intravenous drug users can obtain clean sterile needles and syringes and safely dispose of used needles and syringes.
This service is designed to prevent people sharing or re using needles. It also reduces drug related harm and the transmission of blood borne bacterial and viral infections such as hepatitis B and C or HIV.
The service is lead by our Pharmacist in a non-judgemental manner and may lead to the user being referred to an appropriate drug treatment programme i.e. opioid substitute treatment in order to stop drug usage . Our Pharmacist can also advise on minimising the harms caused by drugs and suggest further support and help.
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
Realising you have a problem with alcohol is the first big step to getting help.
You may need help if:
Getting the right support can be crucial to maintaining control in the future. Only relying on family, friends or carers for this often is not enough.
Ask our Pharmacist about what longer term support is available in your area. Self-help or mutual aid groups (groups such as AA or SMART Recovery groups) are accessible in most areas.
We provide lateral flow test kits
We provide the Discharge Medicines Service. The service has been established to help you understand your medicines and any changes when you leave hospital and to reduce incidences of avoidable harm caused by medicines.
We provide a needle exchange service where intravenous drug users can obtain clean sterile needles and syringes and safely dispose of used needles and syringes.
This service is designed to prevent people sharing or re using needles. It also reduces drug related harm and the transmission of blood borne bacterial and viral infections such as hepatitis B and C or HIV.
The service is lead by our Pharmacist in a non-judgemental manner and may lead to the user being referred to an appropriate drug treatment programme i.e. opioid substitute treatment in order to stop drug usage . Our Pharmacist can also advise on minimising the harms caused by drugs and suggest further support and help.
We recommend you consider getting a flub jab If you don't qualify for an NHS vaccination but are:
This service is available on a walk in basis without an appointment and there is a charge but please call the pharmacy first.
Get Your Flu Jab with Whitfield's Pharmacy
Let us know if you would like to get your flu vaccination with us and we will organise your booking. Free on the NHS for anyone over 65 (before 31.03.2025) and for people who are pregnant or have certain medical conditions.
Request Your Flu Jab